LIght in the darkness
Black Hole – First Picture
Trailer full dome planetarium show about first image of a black hole
EHT Collaboration meeting Nijmegen 2018

MUSIC VIDEO “Wahrscheinlich” BY Nik Falcke
The video “Wahrscheinlich” by Nik Falcke, singer & songwriter and son of Heino Falcke, shows original footage of the EHT press conference in Brussels, where the first image of the black hole has been presented.
EHT working group at Radboud University in Nijmegen
From left to right: Sara Issaoun, Daan van Rossum, Freek Roelofs, Michael Janßen, Christiaan Brinkerink, Heino Falcke, Raquel Fraga Encinas, Jordy Davelaar, Monika Mościbrodzka (Ciriaco Goddi is missing).

Telescopes of the EHT
SMTO on Mt Graham, Az
The moving stairs in SMTO
moving telescope in Elevation direction
Rotation of SMTO
Classical Gas (played while turning the SMT, c.a. from 0:50 min)
IRAM 30 m – Telescope, Pico Veleta
journey to IRAM 30m
Flight to the IRAM NOEMA telescope in France (part of the EHT in 2021)
Collaboration meeting 2018
The prediction (Amazing Grace)
Simulation of different models to predict the shadow of the black hole. (Falcke, H., F. Melia, and E. Agol (2000), The shadow of the black hole at the galactic center, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 522, p. 317-320)

The prediction (Amazing Grace)
Shadow models of the black hole in the galactic center. Left: with maximum resolution, center: blurred by the Milky Way and limited resolution of the experiment, right: stronger blurring at low frequency. Top row: rotating black hole, bottom row: non-rotating. (Falcke, H., F. Melia, and E. Agol (2000), Viewing the Shadow of the Black Hole at the Galactic Center, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 528, p. L13-L16)

Sgr A* @ 30 – Meeting in Green Bank (2004)
One of the first discussions about what later would become the EHT took place in Green Bank 2004. On Friday evening there was an informal meeting on “future submm-VLBI observations of Sgr A*” (see small print above the conference photo in the workshop program, talks by H. Falcke, G. Bower, S. Doeleman).
Launch to the Moon
Launch of the Queqiao satellite in May 2018.

moon and earth in perspective from Queqiao

Design drawing of the Queqiao satellite with the three antennas of the NCLE experiment rolled out

Heino Falcke
Heino Falcke before school enrollment

JANA Falcke
Jana Falcke in front of the Space Shuttle 1997

HEINO Falcke
With children in front of one of the dishes of the VLBA 1999

HEINO Falcke
The meeting in Green Bank on the 40th anniversary of the discovery of Sagittarius A*.

HEINO Falcke
Inaugural lecture in Nijmegen 2004

EHT Collaboration Meeting in Nijmegen 2018
A few video impressions from the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration meeting in Nijmegen in November 2018, where the marching orders for the scientific publications on the first image of a black hole were sealed.
in German only
Live interview with sky news during the observation campaign in 2017, in German only